
Mr. Mahbub Rashid

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Innovative, analytical and data-driven Senior R&D Engineer with over 17 years of high-profile algorithm and system development experience. Contributed in development of key technologies implemented in several featured products and services for both B2C and B2B solutions of Panasonic brand. Familiarity working across all phases of the algorithm and system development. Extensive experience working closely with system designing, testing, and field service. Effective and strong communication skills and a passionate team leader with the ability to motivate and mentor teams to consistently deliver optimum performance. An avid student of new technologies and industry advancements. Named as inventor in seven patents, published four peer reviewed journal and conference papers, and maintains a thorough knowledge of related contemporary corporate researches around the globe. Currently, pursuing full-time MBA in business analytics to achieve long-term goal for becoming a reliable, prudent, and data-driven decision maker by empowering management skills.